2nd Quarter IXPY Award

Scott has been with IXP-Danbury as one of our original hires. He has always very quietly gone about any assignment he has been given and he has performed at a very high level. Scott is qualified to work any position in the center and while his primary assignment has been as Fire Dispatcher, he also works as Law Enforcement dispatcher when needed.

During his time as a Fire Dispatcher, Scott has leveraged his knowledge as a Volunteer Firefighter/Fire Officer to create open lines of communication with members of the Danbury Fire Department and to raise his work performance to a level where he is a trusted dispatcher with the DFD. On more than one occasion, Scott dispatched successful responses to structure fires despite erroneous CAD recommendations.

Scott has mentored new employees on his shift in the process of Fire Dispatch without any expectation of additional compensation or acclaim. That is just not Scott’s style.

Scott has taken extra shifts when asked and recently has filled in on several occasions as there have been openings due to training, PTO and bereavement days for two crew members.

In closing I am pleased to have Scott Efferren as member of the Western Connecticut 911 Center. It is due to Scott’s diligence in Fire Dispatch that the job is being done with a high degree of reliability and that he is deserving of the 2Q 2017 IXPY Award.

 Thanks, Scott!